Monday, January 31, 2011

One Day...

I believe that my parents aren't very strict but fair. When I'm a parent I will choose to do many things different from my parents and some the same. One thing that I will decide to keep the same are my house rules. One rule that will be in my house forever is simply no foul language. There will definetly be some consequences regaurding that. One consequence that will occur will be either a little spanking to the rear or getting personal values taken away. Another thing that I will keep the same are the chores in the house. Each child that I have  will be given the same chores. These chores are keeping their rooms and bathrooms tidy. They'd also have to clean the kitchen and bathroom no exceptions.
 One thing that I disagree with my parents is not allowing the child to get a pet of their own. Yes family pets are nice, but to have one of your own taking care of it and having fun while playing with it brings happiness. I will allow my kids to receive a pet of their own that I approve of once I feel they are mature enough. Another thing that I dont appreciarte that my parents wont allow is for my brother and I to recive allowance. I feel that we do our chores yet we dont recive the award that just about every kid hopes for which is money. When my kids are old enough to handle chores and do them well I will begin to pay them. To sum this all up there are many things that I agree with my parents on and others that I dont but it's life so I'll just have to live with it.

Monday, January 10, 2011

2010 memories

One huge thing that happened to me in 2010 was when my grandparents came to visit me and my family from Texas. I hadn't seen them and quite a while. So, when they came down to visit it made my whole lifetime alot better. During there visitation we did many adventurous thing that I've never really experienced before. One thing that we did as a family was go on a cruise called the Jungle Queen. It was a small mini cruise showing grand houses and all spectacular parts of Ft. Lauderdale Fl that would blow your mind away. That made a huge impact in my life that won't ever leave my memory.
 Another moment in 2010 that will stay in my memory forever will be my birthday party. I made a decision to make a change. I decided to go to Xtreme indoor karting a place that I'd never been or heard about. A bunch of my friends and I were so pumped for this day. As soon as we arrived our faces lit up. The race track was huge. Not to mention that the game room was the same. Filled with spectacular and adventurous games. Excitement was the spark of the night. Riding those go karts that went up to about 50 miles per/hour was a huge rush of happiness in my head. To top it all off were all the amazing gifts that I received. I will never forget that day.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Video Games

1. I think that they shouldn't allow teenagers to buy the violent games. I think that some of the graphics may be too mature or horrific for many teens. I also think that the violent games can create horrible habits.
2. I don't think the games should be violent at all. The games graphics can show terrible sights that may teach the teens bad things. It may also show weapons that teens shouldn't be exposed to.
3. I would draw the line to where the most violent weapon are kitchen tongues. I'd draw the line there because if you go any further like scissors or knifes teens will probably start to use them to joke around and end up in a serious situation. Another reason I would draw the line there is because if it gets too extreme, the kids will be addicted to play with violent weapons 24/7.
4. I think violent games can affect people in general because it shows them different weapons and how to use them. Once a person learns that and possibly gets in harm they may use that for defense which doesn't always come with happy endings. This may also get the person too addicted to playing with violent toys. It also may change how a person is. By watching and playing many aggressive and violent games it may change a person to become rude and violent.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

A serious question for president Obama

If I were given the opportunity to ask president Obama a serious question I'd ask " What inspired you to be the president of the United States?"
   I would ask this question  to see if  he was prepared for all the hard work that came with managing this nation. Another reason I'd ask this question is to see why he ran for president. I'd like to know if he ran for the fame or just to help this one nation that needs lots of improvement. Another reason why I'd ask this question is to see how he faces the many challenges that are thrown at him as the president. I'd also ask this question to see how he takes all the criticizing from the people of his nation.
 One thing that I'd decide to do differently as president would be to stop the hatred between everyone and become one great powerful and peaceful nation. I also will not allow same sex marriages at any degree. Another thing that I would change is the amount of tax free days in a year. To keep people above water I'd have nearly 20 tax free days in a year. I'd also increase the amount of money teachers make. Since teachers try their hardest to help and improve their students they should get paid a lot for all the hard work they do. Another thing I'd change would be the amount of days on Thanksgiving break. I would increase the break to about a week so that people get to see their loved ones and fellowship together for a decent amount of time. I would also make a law that states only three times a year every employee in the U.S.A will have a 25.5% raise. Another thing I would change would have to be the amount of hours and classes in a school day for junior high school. I would decrease the classes to 5. One elective and the rest course classes. The school days will be at the maximum of five and a half hours. These are the things I would change if I were the president of the United States of America.

Monday, October 11, 2010


I think cyberbullying should be handled in several ways. One way that they should handle it would be to suspend the person who was doing the bullying. They can also put the person in internal suspension ( IS ). Another way to handle this is to send the person to a program that deals with cyberbullying. At the program hopefully the person will understand how negative and evil this actually is. Another way to handle it can be to make the person apologize to the victim.
 The majority of the blame is toward the bully. I make this statement because if the bully never started this conflict, this wouldn't be a problem. The bully is the one that made the conflict public, so yes majority of the blame is towards them. In some cases it may or may not be the bullies fault. I say that because sometimes the bully is hurting and lets their anger out on the person who hurt them. So in my opinion, the majority of the blame is on the bully.
  I believe 75% of the responsibility is what the person should bear from the consequences. I think that in some cases it isn't always the bullies fault. The reason they get 75% of the responsibility is because they should have never sent or posted out cruel or humiliating things in the first place. I give the victim 25% of the responsibility because if they would have never shown pictures or videos or any important secrets no one would know and probably wouldn't have done anything about it if they had no idea about it.
 Cyberbullying can be prevented by never saying or spreading anything through technology that you'd never say in person. You can also prevent cyberbullying by deleting what has been posted or sent online or in a text. Another thing you can do is make a hard copy of what has been sent or posted and tell someone that may help you. You may also block the person from having any communications with you. Another way to prevent it is to never in any case give out passwords or user names to ANYONE unless they're your parents. My last way to prevent cyberbullying would be to not be involved with cyberbullying.

Sunday, October 3, 2010


 One of the biggest problems that the world is facing today is cyber bullying. Cyber-bullying is a very popular form of bullying. This happens between peers, families, and close friends. Cyber bullying is when a person has posted or texted rude messages, pictures or videos of someone as well as spreading numerous terrible rumors. This is usually used to embarrass or humiliate someone. This is one of the top ways that people bully others. 'Many schools are now in a difficult position of having to respond to a mandate to have a cyberbullying policy, without much guidance from the state about the circumstances under which they can (or must) respond'. Quoted by Just recently, a freshmen at Rutgers University by the name of Tyler committed suicide over cyber bullying. A video was posted of him being sexually active with a male. His roommate decided to post the video and later on it lead to Tyler's death.
   Some things that have been done to correct the problem of cyber bullying would be that many schools have created programs to stop this cause. Also people have made many websites to let people aware of what it is and how they can put an end to it. A website that is trying to stop this problem would be "". Many schools have made videos on how it can effect someone and how it is far from a positive thing. Also to stop this problem you can tell an adult or someone that you're close to.
   One of my personal recommendations would be to either delete whatever has been posted or sent to you or print it out and tell someone. You can also forward the message or what has been sent to you over to a website that may deal with cyber bullying. If it is through email or social networking sites you are capable of blocking that person from having any way of communicating with you. Another way to solve it is to stick up for whomever is being bullied, that may sometimes scare the bully off. Another way to stop it is to not be a cyber bully yourself. Never do or say anything that you would never say in person. Another consideration that I have would be to get someone famous like Oprah and make a program to end the problem of cyberbullying. Also be very wise online never give out passwords or important information to someone you dont know.



Tuesday, September 21, 2010

BAD : Michael Jackson

           1. Bad 2. The Way You Make Me Feel 3. Speed Demon 4. Liberian Girl 5. Just Good Friends 6. Another Part of Me 7. Man In The Mirror 8. I Just Can't Stop Loving You 9. Dirty Diana 10. Smooth Criminal 11. Leave Me Alone
       The BAD album was magnificent! It brought out happiness joy and lots of excitement. When the album is played it makes you want to jump up and dance all night long. The great, awesome beats just make you want to have a dance party right there. The sound of Michael's voice is incredible. Hearing a man sing in high key just puts a smile on your face.
              Even when your down and sad, the songs on the "BAD" album makes you feel more alive and happy. For instance, the song "BAD" makes you happy just listening to the sound of it. The wonderful beats are amazingly groovy and  very catchy. Also listening to the great songs on the album cheer you up and encourage you. Another song that is very encouraging would be "Man in the Mirror". This song really makes you think about how to act and make right decisions in life.
                People can relate to many of the songs on the "BAD" album. Also many of the songs can encourage and help you decide what positive things to do on a day to day basis. They're also many love songs that tenderizes your heart. For instance"The Way You Make Me Feel" is a great love song.  If you're a huge MJ fan, you know that this album is just awesome!