Monday, October 11, 2010


I think cyberbullying should be handled in several ways. One way that they should handle it would be to suspend the person who was doing the bullying. They can also put the person in internal suspension ( IS ). Another way to handle this is to send the person to a program that deals with cyberbullying. At the program hopefully the person will understand how negative and evil this actually is. Another way to handle it can be to make the person apologize to the victim.
 The majority of the blame is toward the bully. I make this statement because if the bully never started this conflict, this wouldn't be a problem. The bully is the one that made the conflict public, so yes majority of the blame is towards them. In some cases it may or may not be the bullies fault. I say that because sometimes the bully is hurting and lets their anger out on the person who hurt them. So in my opinion, the majority of the blame is on the bully.
  I believe 75% of the responsibility is what the person should bear from the consequences. I think that in some cases it isn't always the bullies fault. The reason they get 75% of the responsibility is because they should have never sent or posted out cruel or humiliating things in the first place. I give the victim 25% of the responsibility because if they would have never shown pictures or videos or any important secrets no one would know and probably wouldn't have done anything about it if they had no idea about it.
 Cyberbullying can be prevented by never saying or spreading anything through technology that you'd never say in person. You can also prevent cyberbullying by deleting what has been posted or sent online or in a text. Another thing you can do is make a hard copy of what has been sent or posted and tell someone that may help you. You may also block the person from having any communications with you. Another way to prevent it is to never in any case give out passwords or user names to ANYONE unless they're your parents. My last way to prevent cyberbullying would be to not be involved with cyberbullying.

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